Sunday 5 April 2020

Locals in Wuhan believe 42,000 people may have died in the coronavirus outbreak there not the 3,200 claimed by Chinese authorities

Daily Mail
Wuhan locals claim coronavirus has killed 42,000 people in the city alone, more than ten times the national figure claimed by Chinese authorities.
The killer bug, which originated in Wuhan in China's Hubei Province has claimed the lives of 3,300 people and infected more than 81,000.
Of those, 3,182 deaths were reported in Hubei Province.
But residents in Wuhan claim 500 urns have been handed out to grieving families every day from seven separate funeral homes all serving the city.
This means the ashes of 3,500 people are distributed every 24 hours.
The homes - in Hankou, Wuchang and Hanyang - have told grieving families that they will receive the ashes before April 5, the date of Qing Ming festival where people tend the graves of their ancestors. 
This means that 42,000 urns could be distributed in that 12-day period.
Earlier reports stated that the Hankou premises received two shipments of 5,000 urns in just two days, according to local media. "

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