Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Meghan and the road to Oprah’s Kleenex

Laura Perrins

LET me tell you where this Harry and Meghan trail of destruction is going to end: on Oprah Winfrey’s couch. Trust me. A fair few seminal moments in celebrity culture have occurred on that couch (Tom Cruise never recovered) and Meghan is first and foremost a celebrity.     ......
Finally, it would be one thing if this wrecking-ball approach to family negotiation (give us everything we want or we will destroy you) were going to make this couple happy. My sense is that they will never be happy. So it will have all been for nothing.
Soon enough Meghan will be on Oprah Winfrey’s couch calling us all racists. You can take that to the bank.  "

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