Friday 17 January 2020

Diversity and our broken system

Andrew Cadman

On Wednesday, not a single paper led with the terrible, heart-rending news from Manchester on yet another grooming gang scandal, centering on the death of Victoria Agoglia (warning: extremely harrowing).      A system that successfully shut down existential matters of debate not just for years but for decades, where repeated scandals concerning the mass rape and deaths of young girls are swept under the carpet while campaigners face years of abuse and harassment from the authorities, is broken indeed.
When will we have an honest debate on Islam and the terrible subcultures it incubates within it? Although it would clearly be wrong to demonise all Muslims and all interpretations of Islam, how much longer can we ignore the dangers of a faith with a rapidly growing demographic whose holy book and prophet preached, in part, violent sectarianism, misogyny, the legitimisation of rape and the acceptability of sex with girls as soon as they start to menstruate? How much longer will we deny the undeniable: that such theology is highly likely to create the barbarous cultures that prey upon young girls? Instead, we are edging ever closer to Islamophobia laws."

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