Thursday, 13 December 2012

Immigration and Labour’s unforgivable betrayal of the British people

Daily Mail
"Whatever the explanation, it is certain that Labour acted in a way that was contrary to the wishes of most of the population, whose concerns grew year by year as unchecked immigration, particularly in London and the South-East, put ever greater pressure on housing, land, schools, hospital care and other services. This was a kind of betrayal — a betrayal of ordinary people by the ruling class. And also by the media class. For with one or two honourable exceptions such as the Mail, newspapers did not question government policy. As for the BBC, it treated moderate critics of mass immigration almost as though they were racist. When during the 2005 general election the then Tory leader, Michael Howard, expressed misgivings about the high level of immigration — while emphasising that he was in no way a racist — he was habitually treated by the BBC as an extremist. I recall one interview by a sneering Jeremy Paxman, who attempted to paint him in the darkest colours. .......But be in no doubt that a historic change took place in the first decade of this century that will transform Britain for ever. Without the people being consulted, without any debate, without even the Labour government admitting what was going on, there was a quiet, yet seismic revolution. There can be no going back. I believe Labour had a choice. I believe it could have controlled immigration, as it once said it wanted to do. I believe that is what most British people of every origin wanted. Labour politicians behaved with monumental arrogance and presumptuousness, and with no regard for democracy. It was as though Britain was their country, not the country of the people who happen to live here."

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