Thursday, 5 June 2014

Obama makes 'absolutely no apologies' for Bergdahl terror trade and dismisses anger as controversy 'whipped up' in Washington

Daily Mail
  • Obama appeared in Brussels alongside British Prime Minister David Cameron during a G7 meeting in Brussels
  • He insisted that 'we had a prisoner of war whose health had deteriorated,' despite a fit-looking Bergdahl who appeared in a Taliban video during Saturday's hostage hand-over
  • Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Thursday that giving Congress 30 days' notice, as federal law requires, 'would have seriously imperiled us ever getting him out'
  • Hagel said the decision to swap five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl was 'unanimous' inside the West Wing of the White House
  • The president dismissed a swarm of objections from Congress as 'par for the course' when he makes tough decisions
  • Sen. Ted Cruz says he will introduce a bill ordering the halt of all detainee deportations from the Guantanamo Bay prison camp

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