Thursday, 5 June 2014

'Drugged but not near death': Senators shown Bowe Bergdahl video that 'forced Obama to act' leave unconvinced that Taliban terror trade had to take place

Daily Mail
  • Senators shown a video sent to the US by the Taliban in January that administration says forced them to override intelligence concerns and swap Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban detainees in Guantanamo
  • Claims to show Bergdahl in ill health and it was feared he would die
  • But lawmakers at secret meeting last night who were shown the video left unconvinced that it showed him on the verge of death
  • Senators said he 'did not look good' but not near death
  • Lawmakers outraged they were not consulted - a law signed by Obama six months ago says President must give them 30 days notice before a prisoner is freed from Guantanamo
  • Defense Sec Chuck Hagel today said the decision to release Bergdahl was 'unanimous' within the White House

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