Monday, 30 September 2013

Blair Force One: Millionaire former Prime Minister is travelling the world in plush £7,000-an-hour private jet

Daily Mail
"When he was Prime Minister, plans for a presidential-style ‘Blair Force One’ jet were rejected as too expensive. But now Tony Blair appears to be footing the bill for his own £30million private plane. The former Prime Minister has been seen stepping out of a £7,000-an-hour bespoke aircraft complete with stateroom, lounge, kitchen and bed. Mr Blair, 60, is reported to have regularly chartered the top-of-the-range Bombardier Global Express private jet as he travels the world in his new roles as business consultant and public speaker, according to The Sunday Telegraph. The former Labour leader has been seen disembarking in Bangkok, Sardinia and New York state, and it has also been seen in Switzerland, Ukraine and Israel on dates which matched Mr Blair’s visits."

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