Friday, 22 April 2016

Obama’s Threat to Britain

Guido Fawkes
Obama insisted the referendum decision is British voters’ and theirs alone… and then came the bombshell threat. The outgoing President secured tomorrow’s headlines by warning a US-UK trade deal post-Brexit “won’t happen any time soon” and claiming Britain “will be at the back of the queue”. Of course it’s because we’re in the EU that we don’t have a trade deal with the US. How will voters react when they see the US President threatening them on the News at Ten?
Also worth bearing in mind that currently with no trade deal in place with the US, the UK is the biggest investment partner already and the US is the biggest investor in the UK ($324 billion). UK investment in the US last year was $282 billion. Over a million Americans work for British companies and over a million Britons are employed by American companies. We are already at the front of the queue doing $56 billion of transatlantic trade last year…

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