Saturday, 13 August 2011

You May Not Like It, But David Starkey Was Right

Dale & Co
"Jerry Hayes is astonished at the reaction to David Starkey's Newsnight appearance and says he's no racist. .....So there was a sharp intake of breath when Starkey commented that 80% of gun crime was black on black. What a wicked thing to say. Really? It is true. Hardly racism. Just an unpleasant fact.

So the cool analysis that David Starkey was trying to explain, despite the wailings, squeals of outrage and shocked indignation, is this. Many young people have adopted a way of speech and a way of life that is alien to the tolerance and decency that is Britain. It glorifies the workshy, feckless fatherhood, gun crime and drugs. It worships greed and self gratification no maTter whom it hurts. If you want further evidence just look at the subliminal messages and popularity of Gangsta Rap. People like David Starkey should be listened to, not shouted down or censored. The profound cultural change he speaks of may not have been the cause of these riots, but they might give us some answers. As long as people have the courage to ask the question without fear of being branded racist."

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