Wednesday, 10 August 2011

OK, Boris and Dave, here's how to respond to a riot

"A friend in New York has just sent me a link to an article in the Washington Times on Monday describing how Michael A. Nutter, the Mayor of Philadelphia, responded to a recent spate of “flash mob” attacks by African-American youths. The mobs, who organise themselves by sending texts and instant messages, have been assaulting groups of tourists and looting department stores in Philadelphia’s upmarket shopping districts. .....He concluded with a warning to the troublemakers, nearly all of whom are members of criminal gangs:

If you want to be aggressive, we’re going to be aggressive.

Let me just share this with you. We’ve got the biggest, baddest gang in town – a committed group of citizens and a committed government – and we’re working together and we’re not going to have this nonsense anymore.

Of course, there’s an important difference between these “flash mob” attacks and what’s been taking place in London over the past three nights – not all the rioters in London are black. Nevertheless, Boris and Dave could clearly learn a thing or two from the Mayor of Philadelphia about talking tough.

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