Saturday, 19 July 2008

"little evidence yet of the regeneration scheme.."

There is no doubt about it. Had Mayor Harrison gone ahead with
the regeneration plans of the coast as laid out and costed by his predecessor, then locals and visitors would be looking at the finished product by now. As it is, there is a boarded up Leisure Pool and an empty Dome covered in scaffolding, promised to a ‘preferred developer’. To add to the suspense, the residents are not allowed to know the exact details of the proposed contract, well, not until its too late to have any say in the matter.

Referring to Whitley Bay, The Sunday Times of 13th July, puts it beyond doubt “….there is little evidence yet of the regeneration scheme promised for the area."

It is reasonable to suggest that the subject of the shambles that is the regeneration of the coast has become ‘the elephant in the room’. It is an undeniable fact that there is no regeneration. No amount of glossing over that fact will fool the residents. It didn’t fool the writer in The Sunday Times. Three years of announcements and residents have an empty Dome, an empty Playhouse and an empty Leisure Pool. In nine months time it is possible that Mayor Harrison may have to empty his desk too.

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