Wednesday, 3 August 2022

The Covid ‘Vaccine’ Scam

 American Thinker

“Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) came into prominence with the “Right to Try” law.  This law was another way for patients who had been diagnosed with life-threatening diseases, who had tried all approved treatment options and who were unable to participate in a clinical trial, to access certain unapproved treatments. 

What is the difference between FDA Approval and Emergency Use Authorization?

“FDA Approval” from the Food and Drug Administration is an independent, scientifically reviewed approval for medical products, drugs and vaccines.  Approval is based on substantial clinical data and evidence, the product is deemed safe, effective and able to be produced within federal quality standards.  Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism used by the FDA to facilitate making products available quickly during a public health emergency, when there is no other adequate and approved medical product available

 ....What is the difference between an EUA “vaccine” under President Trump and the same one under President Biden?  One was available and the other became mandatory.  ......

Consider there was no vaccine for HIV after 40 years of research.  There were no vaccines for cancer after 100 years of research.  No vaccines for a coronavirus—the common cold or some derivative which historically lasts two years before dying out—such as SARS and MERS.  And yet when a mysterious deadly coronavirus from China appeared on America’s shores, within a year we not only have a “COVID-19 vaccine” but a “vaccine” found by four pharmaceutical companies within a week—with new technology that you will be impressed with.  But there is a catch: we cannot ask any questions, like asking your doctor if 32 pages of side effects is right for you.

The unvaccinated wanted to know what’s in the “vaccines.”  Are they inactivated vaccines or attenuated vaccines?  No one knows because there are no documents to attest the EUA concoctions are Wuhan wet market sewer water or the biological equivalent of the FDA Approved vaccine or something else, like mRNA.  It is revealing that the pharmaceutical companies have been unwilling to reveal the contents of their mRNA EUA “vaccines.”  They want to wait 75 years before telling anyone.  Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology said the vaccine is gene therapy. "

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