Friday, 24 June 2022

Sneaky Joe's new plan to steal the midterms

 American Thinker

Joe Biden has a new plan to rig and steal the midterms. He's not only doing it now, he's been working on it for a while. Hemingway notes that it probably isn't legal, given that the executive branch has no right to get involved with elections. As a result, Biden and his Democrats are really determined to keep news of its basic details from the public:    .......The short way of describing the plot is that Biden has asked any federal agency that delivers government services of any kind to voters to be converted into a voting operation.

Any government jobs center is now converted to a voting registration or voter "outreach" center. Ditto for any health care agency, any college, any housing agency.

Worse still, the Biden plan involves "partnering" with NGOs, which are partisan in the extreme and not subject to government rules against partisanship or political compaigning to get the dirty work done:  ....

Bitter, hateful, ultra-partisan Obama-era leftist Susan Rice, who is now Biden's "chief domestic advisor" is reportedly running this scam and keeping news of it from the public, with presumably Sorosian NGOs serving as her handmaids. Anyone who thinks a federal agency that doles out benefits can't pressure recipients into voting the way they want them to vote is naive in the extreme.

No wonder Joe doesn't want anyone to know. Hemingway points out that NGOs played a pivotal role in swinging the 2020 election far enough into Joe's column for all the cheating efforts to make it come out a victory for him."

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