Monday, 19 October 2020

Powerful voices now argue for a more nuanced and less painful way of learning to live with the virus... We urge the PM to listen

 Daily Mail

The alleged scientific basis for this is weak beyond belief.......When we were first beguiled into this new way of life by an appeal to our benevolence and generosity, we were told that in a few weeks of self-restraint we would save the NHS from being overwhelmed. Who could resist such a plea? Millions cheerfully surrendered treasured freedoms for the common good, thinking they would soon get them back when the job was done.The NHS was not overwhelmed (and it is far from clear that it ever would have been). But the weeks passed, and what happened? ....We had a serious case of mission creep. Somehow the task had now become one never previously attempted or achieved by any society, the virtual suppression of the virus itself. We were not free to return to our normal lives. On the contrary, every few days brought a new alleged alarm.  .....when the Government began to voice fears of a supposed ‘second wave’ of Covid, and moves to get us back to work were halted. Indeed, the Government tried very hard to find such a second wave, launching a highly successful nationwide hunt for healthy people who could be said to be infected by the virus. .....He also seemed incapable of noticing that the great bulk of the positive test ‘cases’ of which he makes so much involved people who were and remained perfectly well.The reassuring facts, that doctors have quickly learned how to treat the disease effectively, that many hospitalisations tend to be brief, that many people are now recovering after successful treatments and the use of new and effective drugs, were likewise somehow underplayed.   .....
the Great Barrington Declaration, supported by several distinguished scientific experts of all political hues, including Britain’s own Sunetra Gupta, it is no longer possible to say that science and medicine offer only one route out of this crisis. Powerful voices argue for a more nuanced and less painful way of learning to live with the virus, as we rebuild our prosperity and our freedom and look forward to a future free of lockdowns, circuit-breakers and family separation. "

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