Sunday, 13 September 2020

Democrats Have Planned a Coup If Trump Wins Reelection


Why the military/security complex is lined up with Democrats in the plot to void Trump’s reelection:  
The Democrats have been gaming their planned election theft for months, and the public is being prepared for it.  For example see:

The Democrat Party of today is not the Democrat Party of the Past.  Today the Democrat Party is an anti-white, anti-American party. Democrats refuse to enforce law and order. Instead, Democrats defund police and permit looting and destruction of businesses and private property.  The Democrats say that law and order is a “white privilege,” and they will no longer support white privilege. White Americans who vote Democrat are too stupid to justify their existence. Many white Americans have been deracinated by decades of propaganda in the public school systems, universities, movies, and media “exposing” white evil.  Many white Americans lack the confidence to defend themselves.  These dumbshit white Americans are the ones the Democrats are counting on to sit sucking their thumbs while Democrats pull off a color revolution and overthrow an elected president."

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