Thursday, 13 August 2020

The New Zealand Prime Minister has been singularly obsessed with eliminating the virus from the island. In this video I discuss the consequences of her actions and compare it to what Sweden did.

 Tont Heller

The New Zealand Prime Minister has been singularly obsessed with eliminating the virus from the island. In this video I discuss the consequences of her actions and compare it to what Sweden did. (YouTube)

 From the comments:

As a New Zealander, I confidently confirm the majority of us do NOT subscribe to comrade Jacinta’s megalomaniac approach to destroying the economy of my country. Whilst it’s true that 250k people are jobless directly as a result of her virtuousness, many more, including me (working in the food industry) are now jobless too. Her socialist agenda and self-congratulating obsession of ‘beating a virus by locking it out’ has suckered in many desperately frightened people, whipped up by a communist-leaning media. The sooner she and her cronies are gone, the better, but I fear the political propaganda being spread prior to our GE this year will see this destructress back in power, putting more people into poverty and lockdown to control any objection to this madness."


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