Sunday, 31 May 2020

"It's All Bullsh*t" – 3 Leaks That Sink The COVID Narrative

In recent days a series of leaks across the globe have further shown the “official line” on coronavirus does not hold water... 
The science of the coronavirus is not disputed. It is well documented and openly admitted:
  • Most people won’t get the virus.
  • Most of the people who get it won’t display symptoms.
  • Most of the people who display symptoms will only be mildly sick.
  • Most of the people with severe symptoms will never be critically ill.
  • And most of the people who get critically ill will survive.
This is borne out by the numerous serological studies which show, again and again, that the infection fatality ratio is on par with flu.
There is no science – and increasingly little rational discussion – to justify the lockdown measures and overall sense of global panic."

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