Friday, 23 February 2018

The abolition of Free Speech....

 Paul Joseph Watson:

 Sweden is a case study in a country that is obliterating itself.
 Sweden is a warning to the world. Don't be like Sweden.

Welcome to Sweden (video)

"What is life like in Sweden? The politicians are
 participating in a chicken race of “goodness” where
 everybody tries to one-up each other in caring for
 the citizens of OTHER countries. 
While swedish retirees, young students, handicapped
 and other vulnerable categories of people are thoroughly ignored."

 Immigrant rape statistics in Sweden (Video)

00:00 - What the statistics say
- Rape in relation to culture
- What can be done about this

Swedish policeman advice: "Don't live in Malmö"

From the comments:
In Helsingborg (8 Swedish miles north of Malmö) were I live, there are knife stabbings, knife cutting and shooting almost everyday. A Detective Leutenant was asked, not long ago in the local newpaper, how is Helsingborg in comparison to Malmö, when it comes to this shootings and knife attacks? He answer was that it happens very Close to the same amount of shootings and knife attacks as in Malmö. The only thing is every news report in these cases, is focused to Malmö. We had 4 serious stabbings in 4 Days last week (monday-thursday) and a shooting yesterday (Sunday). The same D.L said  here are No Danger to the public. Is he serious?! How in the heck can this guy become a D.L.?  Duh!... 


19-20 take turns in g*ng r***ng Swedish woman. Remember who made this possible

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