Monday, 5 October 2015

NYC Police Ignore Muslim Brotherhood Assault on the Streets of New York

American Thinker
New York City residents were treated to a glimpse of their (and our!) future recently when Egyptian journalists in town to cover the visit of Egyptian president Al-Sisi to the U.N. were assaulted by Muslim Brotherhood agents -- in full view of New York City police. The journalists were assaulted verbally and physically while New York’s finest looked on, deigning to intervene in much the same way a schoolteacher does with a recalcitrant student – tut-tutting and tsk-tsking – rather than apprehending and jailing the violent assaulters as one would expect on the streets of an American city. In the end, after clearly committing crimes of personal violence, the attackers were sent on their way.  Not arrested.  Not detained.  Simply allowed to wander off, their intimidation attack successful and unchallenged."

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