Wednesday, 22 February 2012

This is the worst government in Australia’s history.

Quadrant Magazine
"The Labor member for Bendigo thinks Kevin Rudd is a psychopath and it is plain that many Labor members have distinct concerns and worries about Rudd’s temperament; why else topple a sitting prime minister in his first term whose position in the polls was hardly dire.

Apparently it is okay to put Australia’s foreign relations in the hands of a man held in such disrepute. What harm can he do? So what if he calls the Chinese “rat fuckers”; presumably they can’t understand English.

How do you follow leaders who you believe are deranged and psychotic? Well why not throw in one who combines a unique level of incompetence with an aversion to telling the truth. And there you have it; a Labor Party incapable of electing to leadership someone of sanity and integrity. Maybe it is because they have no-one? The “Mad Monk” looks pretty sound and centred compared with the lot the Labor Party has given us.

None of this would matter if they were running a Labor Party branch somewhere out in suburbia. They are running the country and seem determinedly bent on wreaking havoc; not deliberately, of course, but out of sheer unbalanced bloody-minded incompetence."

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