Wednesday 20 April 2011

British taxpayers face £600m bill as EU defies Cameron's calls for austerity

"Brussels has demanded that British taxpayers stump up more than £682million in extra contributions to the European Union next year to meet a proposed £5.5billion increase in spending that has defied David Cameron’s repeated calls for austerity."
The proposed EU budget hike will wipe out all Britain's spending cuts
"To grasp the extent of the EU’s disconnection from reality, ponder the two tables at the foot of this post. Almost every country in Europe is trying to hold expenditure down, and many are making more significant cuts than the United Kingdom. From Ireland to Greece, from Portugal to Latvia, public sector employees face redundancies and pay cuts. And where are all the savings going? To public sector employees at EU level.

Today, the Commission demanded a 4.9 per cent increase in the EU budget – on top of last year’s increase, which saw Britain’s net contribution rise by an almost unbelievable 74 per cent. What does it need the extra money for? Five words: more staff on higher salaries.

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