Wednesday 17 December 2008

Taxpayers face new pain as Gordon Brown's bank bail-out fails to stop credit crunch

"Taxpayers face paying billions of pounds more to prop up Britain's banks because Gordon Brown's bail-out has failed to stop the credit crunch, the Bank of England Governor has warned".
"Mr King's warning that the bail-out is not working is a blow for the Prime Minister, whose reputation has been boosted both at home and overseas after his bail-out scheme was adopted by a range of different countries around the world."
Must See : Fred Explains Bailout Economics
(Guido Blog)

1 comment:

Max said...

The Titanic sank with huge loss of life from a conjunction of 16 different reasons. However one cause lay wholly in the captain's hands: in natural panic upon sighting the iceberg the ship's direction was changed to try to avoid it. It was this that caused the grazing and fatal series of small gashes which overwhelmed the ship with water. Oddly had the ship hit the iceberg head on it would have survived, as indeed had lesser ships before it.