Sunday, 26 February 2017

The point at which the grownups have to step in.

But when you see brutality, barbarity and a raucous chorus of open the city gates and welcome the barbarians into our midst, you have to step in. Sweden has already fallen to an invited in rape culture, Germany looks to be tottering on the brink of going the same way. Mainland Europe is in a war. All the red flares are going up into the night sky and being ignored, but as usual it’s the hardy natives offshore of the whole invasion who’re making a stand.
A president more concerned about transgender toilets in the schools we entrust our children to than any real problems. An establishment rush to grovel down before a minority religion that says it’s okay to beat women and mutilate the sex organs of girls before they’ve even reached puberty so only a man can enjoy an orgasm during the act of sex. I don’t care what particular religion it is, it’s wrong. Wrong is wrong.
Bending the knee to cultures that haven’t moved an inch in six centuries while in the meantime we’ve put men on the moon and are now looking at Mars. Forbidding people to show signs of their Christian faith while bending over backwards to accommodate barbaric rituals and mores that properly belong in the middle ages. Even the mother church in Rome represented by a shameful apologist arsehole has started to grovel. "

Thursday, 2 February 2017

President Donald Trump 'slammed Malcolm Turnbull over refugee deal, accused him of trying to "ship the next Boston bombers" to the U.S. then HUNG UP on their hour-long call after just 25 minutes'

Daily Mail
A fuming President Trump reportedly told Mr Turnbull that the conversation was 'the worst call by far' he had taken that day, after 'boasting' about pleasant exchanges with Russian President Vladimir Putin and three other world leaders. 
President Trump reportedly ranted about the deal the Obama administration struck with Canberra to take 1250 genuine refugees from Nauru and Manus Island, telling Mr Turnbull: 'I don't want these people'.