Wednesday 12 June 2024

The Trump Conviction and the New Democrat Playbook

 P F Kelly Jr

"Former President Trump was convicted last week by a New York City jury of 34 felonies. These “Frankenstein” felonies, created from misdemeanor offenses past their statute of limitations and the suggestion of federal election law violations, were unprecedented and designed to target one specific individual: Donald J. Trump. Given the extraordinary power and reach of the government today, all the state needs are a few facts and a couple of tax returns, and they can produce criminal charges tailor-made for anybody. And they will win.  ........The playbook now is to take someone out through the courts if you don’t like them. You just need an ideological prosecutor, an activist judge, and a pliable jury. Of course, this is exactly what happened to the J6 defendants in ultra-liberal Washington, D.C., where the prosecution creatively applied obstruction felonies to get long jail sentences. Those convictions will be reviewed soon by the U.S. Supreme Court. Political prosecution is the new wave, and it will be done again unless it is stopped. In the Soviet Union and Communist China, leftists used the “justice” system to destroy their political rivals and opponents. The desire for total power or ideological purity can become an irresistible attraction, or vice, creating an environment where ultimately nobody is safe.

One potential target might soon be Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. An old school Democrat, Kennedy has condemned the trial and conviction of Trump, citing his father’s instructions to his staff as Attorney General that his office would ignore political affiliation on prosecutorial decisions. That impartiality has been the pole star for the American justice system since the founding, making our legal system the envy of the world. If fair-minded Democrats like Kennedy and U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, who called on New York Gov. Kathy Hochul to pardon Trump, can see the ominous portents in this verdict, who then are these people pushing the Trump persecution and the new Democrat agenda?"

Hostages Rescued, and Many Truths Revealed

 John F Di Leo

"The weekend has been full of revelations.

Those of us who have constantly focused on the lack of a clear dividing line between Hamas terrorists and the “innocent civilians” that the Gazans wail about were proven correct again, as these four hostages were found to have been held in “civilian” apartments, registered to Gazan civilians, but under 24-hour guard by Hamas militants, clearly making a mockery of the innocence of such “civilians.”

The weekend reinforced the position that the IDF has remained true to their policy of trying as hard as possible to only target genuine military targets, in contradiction to the way that Hamas has always targeted civilians.  The weekend’s attacks looked at first glance to be on civilian locations, and that’s how the pro-Hamas press always reports such actions, but the gunfights and rescues of hostages held at those locations conclusively proved that the sites were in fact legitimate military targets, terrorist cells in disguise.

While early reports had some of the details mixed up, the fascinating — and shameful — news is that the three male hostages were held in the apartment of a journalist.  Not just any journalist, mind you, but Abdallah Aljamal, a writer for the Palestine Chronicle and occasional contributor to other Arab publications like Al Jazeera."

Send This Article To People Who Say "Ivermectin Doesn’t Work For COVID-19"


"If you hear your pharmacist, physician, or academic dean parrot the malignant regurgitated trope of “Ivermectin doesn’t work for Covid” or that there is “no evidence” or “no data” to support ivermectin’s use in Covid-19, send them this meta-analysis summary and annotated bibliography of over 100 studies. ............

For perspective: the greater than $9 billion savings from the use of ivermectin alone could have instead bought about 36,000 $250,000 Lamborghini Huracans, or alternatively for those of us who must work for a living, about 300,000 $30,000 Toyota Camry SEs (the most popular model). 

For Covid-19, There is More to the Data than Just Press/Abstract “Topline Results”

To fully address transparency, I am including a full list of ivermectin studies completed to date, with the plurality of positive and negative findings in the form of an annotated bibliography at the end of this article to allow readers to see the sources of the research. Each of the 103 references includes a brief summary and a link to a longer analysis at c19early

Along with the bibliography, I am also including two summary plots of the ivermectin data from c19early on overall benefit, and relative benefits from prophylaxis, early, and late treatments."

Sunday 13 August 2023

The Weaponization of Justice

 Clarice Feldman

If you read nothing else this week, read Victor Davis Hanson’s article in American Greatness detailing how Obama began “the most radical revolutions” in our history. As legal matters -- the lawfare waged against former President Trump and the Department of Justice’s pussyfooting around the Biden bribery took this week’s center stage, it’s useful to note his remarks on the weaponization of justice in this country.   ........Jack Smith, with a long history of partisan conduct, is the prosecuting attorney in the case in the District of Columbia charging Trump with disinformation regarding the 2020 election, a confection of dubious legal basis.  This week, the parties argued before District Court judge Tanya Chutkin the prosecution’s right to muzzle Trump during his campaign as he and his team poison public opinion and a potential jury pool with leaks and accusations of wrongdoing. Judge Chutkin has a history of sentencing J6 defendants to longer sentences than even the prosecution requested. She warned counsel for Trump that politics had no place in her courtroom, but in at least one transcribed exchange with one of those defendants she tipped her hand, expressing her view that it was wrong that Trump was not yet jailed:  .....Depending on which source you read about her decision on this -- she either slapped down the prosecution or preserved Trump’s right to free speech.

In actuality, I think she is allowing the prosecution to interfere with his reelection bid, and has greased the ladder to intervention by the Supreme Court.   ......"

MUST-SEE video: Tucker Carlson’s interview with the former Capitol Police chief

 Andrea Widburg

Fox News shut Tucker Carlson down right before his show was to have aired an interview with former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund. Yesterday, Tucker released a new interview he did with Sund, and it confirms everything you’ve suspected: The Capitol Police were kept in the dark about possible problems on January 6 and, when problems finally occurred, they were consistently denied timely aid. In other words, it was a set-up....... Sund claims “we now know FBI, DHS was swimming in that intelligence” about potential violence at the Capitol and “military seemed to have some concerning intelligence as well.” Yet, no one told him anything. Nobody gave him documents or gave him information over the phone. He was in an information vacuum.  ......What happened on January 6 wasn’t an organic event originating with Trump supporters. It was an event that the Deep State created to destroy Trump and his supporters once and for all. That’s why I believe the threats were manufactured later.

And if you want more evidence that this was a government operation, Sund also describes how Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell delayed for 71 minutes, despite Sund’s increasingly frantic 32 phone calls, before sending him reinforcements. Meanwhile, the General in charge of the National Guard delayed even longer because of “optics.” Eventually, when he finally authorized the National Guard, the guardsmen, who were located near the Capitol, were instead first routed to the armory and then sent back to the Capitol at 6:00 p.m., when everything had ended, for… a photo opportunity because of the good optics.

By the next day, Sund was fired. Then, when he tried to testify before Congress, he was told that they were only accepting testimony from people currently employed by the Capitol Police. Sund also said that Rep. Benny Thompson (D-Miss.), who chaired the hearings, said that any inquiry into Nancy Pelosi’s conduct was “off-limits, so they wouldn’t get any of her records, her phone records.”

Wednesday 9 August 2023

The Obama Factor

 David Samuels

There is a fascinating passage in Rising Star, David Garrow’s comprehensive biography of Barack Obama’s early years, in which the historian examines Obama’s account in Dreams from My Father of his breakup with his longtime Chicago girlfriend, Sheila Miyoshi Jager.......In Jager’s telling, the quarrel that ended the couple’s relationship was not about Obama’s self-identification as a Black man. And the impetus was not a play about the American Black experience, but an exhibit at Chicago’s Spertus Institute about the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann.  ....In Jager’s recollection, what set off the quarrel that precipitated the end of the couple’s relationship was Obama’s stubborn refusal, after seeing the exhibit, and in the swirl of this Cokely affair, to condemn Black racism. While acknowledging that Obama’s embrace of a Black identity had created some degree of distance between the couple, she insisted that what upset her that day was Obama’s inability to condemn Cokely’s comments. It was not Obama’s Blackness that bothered her, but that he would not condemn antisemitism....."

What Biographer Garrow Missed in His Obama Takedown

 Jack Cashill

On August 2, two days before Barack Obama’s reported sixty-second birthday, the Jewish journal Tablet published an interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning civil rights historian David Garrow.  ......The exchange between the two deserves to be read in full. Rather than summarize that exchange, I will focus on a few key truths, both those they nailed and those that squirmed away. Most intriguing in the latter category are the questions about Obama’s literary talents and about his birth. Garrow’s opinion matters. His 2017 bio, Rising Star. The Making of Barack Obama, is easily the boldest and most accurate of the Obama biographies.

One thing Garrow and Samuels get right is their take on Obama as president. Says Garrow, “I think even the fanboy journalists would acknowledge, under a little bit of pressure, that it ended up being an underwhelming, disappointing presidency.” On the subject of race relations, Garrow does not equivocate: “Theres no question in anybodys mind, that on that score, that scale, the presidency was a total failure.”

....Obsessed with Trump and still smitten by Obama, the Washington press corps failed, says Samuels, “to imagine, let alone report on, Obamas role in government.” He believes that Obama is still the man in charge. He points out that Obama’s continued residence in D.C. is an historical first for an ex-president. Then too, large parts of White House policymaking” belong to Obama in that theyre staffed by his people, who worked for him and no doubt report back to him.”

Friday 7 July 2023

Sound of Freedom breaks Hollywood taboos on child sex trafficking

 Dorothy Gable

Today our country has been, once again, exposed to a great evil lurking in our land – child sex trafficking. The movie Sound of Freedom does a superb job of laying bare the unthinkable evil of this trade. Many applaud its message, along with the filmmakers’ assertion that this has to stop.

But this wickedness is a sign, a symptom of the growing perversion of this world, as well as the support of enslavement of the world’s poor by our governments, leaders, and businessmen.

The solution will not be simple -- the border must be secured; legal immigration must be transformed so those who wish to join our great nation can do so. Today the barriers to legal immigration are monumental and I applaud those brave, determined souls who are able to secure citizenship in our country. The laws of our local, county, state and federal governments must stop funding the destruction and breakup of the family."

Friday 30 June 2023

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s impressive first televised town hall

 Peter Barry Chowka 

NewsNation's 90-minute town hall broadcast live from Chicago Wednesday with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was an intellectually stimulating and emotionally moving event.  Despite the hour of mostly put-downs that preceded it (hosted by Chris Cuomo with featured guest Bill O'Reilly) and the half-hour of analysis that followed it (Chris Cuomo again with a panel that included former Wisconsin Republican governor Scott Walker, the most fair and objective), Kennedy more than met the challenging questions presented to him by town hall host Elizabeth Vargas and a number of pre-selected Democrat and independent voters in Chicago, New Hampshire, and South Carolina........As in the FOX interviews, Kennedy revealed himself to be a thoughtful, sincere, and passionate man of significant achievement — who himself, as he confided, had endured a 14-year long addiction, which he overcame four decades ago.  His accomplishments since then have been hardly insubstantial. .....And last night, as I heard a genuine echo of the energy, the hope, and the optimism of America a half-century ago, these were the closing comments by RFK Jr. at the end of the NewsNation town hall:

Our country is going to start healing when the government tells the truth.

Monday 14 November 2022

With This Obstacle in Place, Republicans Can't Get the White House

 American Thinker

The two states where the impact was most obvious were Pennsylvania and Michigan, but it snuffed out real Republican chances all over the map in states where the Democrats control voting laws.  Pennsylvania literally elected a dead man, and I'm not even talking about the pro-crime radical with such severe brain damage that he can't form a coherent sentence.  ...Republicans used to joke about needing to win above the margin of fraud, which was generally accepted to be relatively small.  But now that Democrats can flood the zone with ballots that they can collect over the course of weeks, that is now far too steep a hill to climb in all but the reddest areas.  ......Democrat officials mail out massive numbers of ballots to people who would never bother to vote, and their operatives collect those ballots and run up the score.  It effectively eliminates the concept of the low-propensity voter, since operatives see to it that all the ballots are requested and rounded up.

Within these ballot collection systems, there are no effective checks in place to stop voter fraud, and Democrats resist any attempt to apply any form of ID requirement.

That's a feature of the system.  It is meant to open the door to massive fraud that is virtually undetectable.  Considering how fast Pennsylvania was called, does anyone really think they were validating the mail-in ballots?   ....... Democrats are angry that they couldn't effectively manipulate the Florida elections.  Ana Navarro made that clear enough when she accused DeSantis of gaming the system and creating an unlevel playing field, which, in liberalese, means that he shut down the cheating.

The Republican state party in the ballot-collecting blue states will need to adjust to this new environment and start ballot-collecting itself.  Entering Election Day staring out of a pit is not a winning strategy.    ....Republicans need to get mass mail-in ballots and ballot-harvesting before the Supreme Court as part of a voter disenfranchisement case.  That should be their endgame because that is the heart of the issue.  If Fetterman can win in Pennsylvania and Whitmer can win in Michigan, actual voters don't matter that much more in those states than they did in Iraq.

Now is the time to go all-in on a legal strategy.  If Republicans wait until the start of the 2024 cycle, it will be too late. They should also hold hearings on voter integrity and flash a blazing light on the issue."

How Wisconsin Streetfighters Disrupted a Democrat Ballot-Gathering System

 American Thinker

Ballots and votes.

These two words seem synonymous, yet they imply opposite ways to choose a government.

There is a big difference between "votes" and "ballots."  The Republicans focused on winning votes; the Democrats focused on gathering ballots.  The ballots won.

—Conservative Treehouse November 2022

When Election Day became Election Month, mail-in ballots replaced in-person voters, and the electoral world changed forever.  It is not changing back. 

Democrats, expert in anything government-related, drove states to change laws, increase voting days, loosen voter standards.  Republican leadership dozed.

Democrats, leftist non-governmental organizations, Big Tech invented every conceivable way to manipulate the ballot process: collect ballots, drop into streetside bins, fill them out if the voter doesn't. 

That is a ballot-gathering strategy.  It works! .......

Quiet, anonymous Wisconsin heroes — working in a small office, virtually unfunded — proved how to collapse the Democrat ballot-gathering apparatus.

For the ballot-gathering strategy to work, Democrats need tens of thousands of phantom addresses and voters.  A few is not enough.  Without thousands of loose ballots tied to phantoms, the edifice comes crashing down.

They also need Republicans to do nothing.

The Wisconsin team proved, in this election, that adding even a small amount of friction – removing thousands of phantom names and identifying several hundred thousand incorrect addresses — has a massive impact on the ballot-gathering system.

Our Wisconsin election heroes applied Fractal Programming technology, funded by Mike Lindell, at scale to find and challenge phantoms.  The process is explained at

Saturday 3 September 2022

Is Student Loan Forgiveness By Executive Order Legal?

 The College Investor

Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) want President Joe Biden to forgive $50,000 in federal student loans per borrower. They claim that he can do this unilaterally through executive order.

President Biden has promised to forgive $10,000 in student loan debt per borrower, but wants Congress to pass legislation to implement it. The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan proposed by President Biden does not include any student loan forgiveness.   ......

Can The President Cancel All Federal Student Loans?

The President does not have the legal authority to forgive student loans on his own. Only Congress has the power of the purse. Executive action can be used only when it has been specifically authorized by Congress."